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Star Trek Tng Worf Loses Family Name Again

Real World article
(written from a Production signal of view)

Worf is plunged caput-first into the politics of the Klingon Empire when his deceased male parent is accused of treason.


  • 1 Summary
    • ane.1 Teaser
    • i.2 Human action 1
    • 1.3 Human activity Two
    • ane.iv Human activity Three
    • i.5 Act Four
    • 1.six Act Five
    • 1.7 Log entries
  • ii Memorable quotes
  • iii Background information
    • 3.i Production history
    • 3.2 Story and production
    • 3.3 Continuity
    • three.4 Reception
    • 3.v Remastered version
    • 3.six Video and DVD releases
  • 4 Links and references
    • four.1 Starring
    • four.2 As well starring
    • 4.3 Guest stars
    • 4.4 Co-star
    • 4.5 Uncredited co-stars
    • 4.6 Stunt doubles
    • 4.7 Stand-ins
    • 4.8 References
      • 4.eight.1 Other references
    • 4.9 External links



"Helm's log, Stardate 43685.2. Equally role of an commutation program, we're taking aboard a Klingon officer to render the recent visit of Commander Riker to the cruiser Pagh."

Kurn on the bridge

The Klingon Commander Kurn is temporarily assigned to the USS Enterprise-D every bit interim starting time officer every bit part of the Federation-Klingon Officeholder Exchange Program. Earlier, in 2365, Commander and Enterprise get-go officer William Riker served in a like capacity aboard the IKS Pagh. Kurn, in his new part, immediately tries to impose "Klingon-style" subject field aboard the Starfleet vessel, with Captain Jean-Luc Picard'southward full approval. Kurn disciplines Wesley Crusher in front of the bridge crew while the acting ensign whispers with Data while Kurn is speaking to the coiffure. Kurn has Ensign Crusher set course for the outer cometary cloud of the organization, with Kurn angrily ordering him to increment speed to one-3rd impulse power. The surprised crew discover Kurn'south method excessively harsh and draconian.

Deed One

"He but doesn't seem to similar me."

When La Forge and Wesley complain privately to Riker in Ten Frontward about Kurn's aggressive command way, he reminds them that Kurn but has a unlike style of command and that Klingons believe in obedience and strict adherence to regulations. However, it is notable that the just person Kurn has not been giving a hard time is "the one person who wouldn't really heed it": Worf.

Kurn gives Worf the consignment of scanning the 2,000 asteroids in a field at a range of 300,000 kilometers: none in their flight path. He praises him sarcastically for his efficiency during an easy navigational procedure on the bridge. Worf is angered at being patronized, just resists confronting a superior officer.

"This is not a Klingon transport, sir!"
"No, Commander. It is non. If it were a Klingon ship, I would take killed you for offer your suggestion."

While in a turbolift on his manner to the helm's dining room, Riker tells Kurn it took him some getting used to Klingon culture while serving on the Pagh. Riker notes that the coiffure of the Enterprise must take some getting used to for him and he offers to assist Kurn with suggestions in working with the crew. Kurn respectfully declines the offer. Riker forcefully reminds Kurn that this is not a Klingon vessel. Kurn concurs and reminds Riker that on a Klingon ship, he would be killed for offering up such a "suggestion".

A special dinner in honor of Kurn

A special dinner is prepared at the captain'southward mess in accolade of Kurn, who understands the honor and is prepared to sample some of the food, even though some of it is cooked—simply he doesn't like it, and frankly explains that information technology is too bland a gustation. La Forge observes that information technology seems to concur with Worf, earning Worf a contemptuous look from Kurn.

After dinner, filled with rage, Worf goes to Kurn'southward quarters to demand an explanation. When the other expresses doubt of Worf'southward Klingon instincts, Worf erupts in a violent outburst. Kurn is pleased and says he's been testing Worf to meet just how Klingon he was, revealing that he is really Worf's younger brother.

Act Two

The brothers discuss the challenge

Kurn explains that he was barely a year former when their family went to Khitomer, and they weren't going to stay there for long so he had been left to stay with their begetter's friend, Lorgh until their return, and then escaped the massacre. Worf explains to Kurn that the Starfleet officer that rescued him was told by the Klingon High Command that he had no living relatives, believing that Kurn was with the family unit and therefore killed at Khitomer. Later the massacre, Lorgh adopted Kurn equally his son and kept him in his family. When Kurn reached the Age of Ascension, he was told the truth about his bloodline.

Kurn has sought Worf out because their father, Mogh, is accused of treason by the Klingon Loftier Council. Supposedly, he had given the Romulans defence access codes assuasive them to lower the shields of the Khitomer outpost only before the Romulan attack. Kurn had lived all these years, hiding his identity past masquerading every bit the son of Lorgh, but when he learned of the Council's action, he came to Worf, asking him to claiming the judgment as Mogh's elder son.

Worf goes to Picard and explains this to him, asking for leave so he can face the High Council. Picard says that since Worf is defendant of a capital criminal offence, information technology would be better if he were standing at Worf's side as he fabricated his challenge. Picard commands Kurn to gear up class for the First City of the Klingon homeworld. Kurn is surprised; he hadn't expected the Enterprise itself to modify course. Now he respects Worf more deeply than e'er.

On the way domicile, Kurn asks Worf in X Frontwards if he can be his Cha'DIch, or ritual second; while Worf is accused, he will not exist allowed in any duels or fights. Worf agrees, and Kurn speaks the traditional words of acceptance: "I have with accolade. May your enemies tremble before you." And so Worf tells Kurn that he must not reveal his true bloodline. Kurn protests, and Worf reminds him that, on the Enterprise, Kurn is the superior officeholder, but on the Klingon homeworld, Worf is the elderberry brother, and Kurn must obey him.

The Beginning City on the Klingon homeworld

Once they arrive at Qo'noS, Worf and Kurn beam downwards with Picard and Riker accompanying them. Worf pronounces his claiming before the Quango and faces the accusations of Duras, the son of Mogh'southward greatest rival. Worf acknowledges that he is prepared to face the consequences with his very life if his claiming fails. "I am Worf, son of Mogh. I have come to claiming the lies that have been spoken of my father!", he defiantly states to the High Council.

Human action Three

Worf faces the judgment of the Klingon High Quango

Duras accuses Worf of forsaking his heritage for the Federation, but Picard tells the council that Worf has served under his command with distinction, and as such, has earned him Picard's adoration and respect. Highly-seasoned to the quango'south better natures, Picard says he trusts their wisdom will guide them to articulate Worf'due south family name and render him to duty. Chancellor G'mpec notes the trust of a commanding officer is beauteous and notes it for the record.

Duras testifies that a transmission of access codes went out from the outpost to the Romulan patrol ships which allowed them to dismantle the outposts' shields. Thousands of Klingons died on Khitomer, including Duras' father. Duras calls Mogh a traitor and because Worf has brought this claiming, Duras calls him a traitor also, backhanding Worf in the traditions of their people. Duras so rips Worf'due south baldric off of him, telling Worf he is unworthy to habiliment the emblems of their people. Worf replies, "it is a good day to die, Duras, and the twenty-four hours is not nonetheless over."

"It is a good day to dice, and the twenty-four hours is not all the same over."

During a recess of the quango, Yard'mpec meets with Worf and tries to persuade him into abandoning his challenge. Shocked at this, Worf asks K'mpec why he would have him lay aside his father'south laurels, but K'mpec will not allow himself to be questioned and advises Worf to go out before he is condemned as a traitor.

Kurn has received a notation to meet someone in an isolated corridor; it is Duras. Duras reveals that he knows Kurn's true bloodline and tries to blackmail him into turning confronting Worf. Disgusted, Kurn refuses, and Duras' assassins attack him with a kut'luch, the ceremonial weapon of an assassin, which inflicts serious wounds.

Act Four

"What kind of a weapon makes a savage wound similar that?"

Although Beverly Crusher reassures Worf that due to Kurn'due south phenomenal metabolic recovery, his wounds are not life-threatening. Worf tells her she should have let him die because he'll be executed anyhow – at present that someone knows he is Worf'south brother, Kurn will share Worf's fate if the claiming is unsuccessful. Later, Worf voices his worries that the very High Quango itself is against him to Picard, who attempts to reassure him. Worf requests that he be immune to select another Cha'DIch, from among the crew this time, which Picard assents to. Promptly, Worf asks the Captain to exist his Cha'DIch, giving him the pick to refuse with no dishonor. Picard is touched, but demurs by pointing out that there are many stronger and younger people that he can choose. In response, Worf confidently states that there is no one amend qualified. Picard pleases Worf past reciting the aforementioned traditional acceptance, in Klingon.

Surprised by Worf's new Cha'DIch, Duras questions Picard's validity every bit Cha'DIch but Picard tells Duras that he'due south not hither to command, to which Duras smirks and responds that he has to fight as well, which he believes isn't something that is taught by Starfleet. Coldly, Picard informs Duras that he is welcome to test that assumption at his leisure, wiping the grin off of Duras' confront.

The Enterprise crew investigate the Khitomer Massacre on their ain. The USS Intrepid was the commencement ship on the scene of the disaster; Data contacts Starfleet for copies of the Intrepid's logs. Meanwhile, La Forge and Information accept gotten into the Klingon Central data net and discovered that the Klingons recently captured a Romulan transport with information most Khitomer in the ship's logs and that's how they found out about the treachery.

Upon comparing the information in the Klingon archives with the Intrepid'south logs, La Forge and Information discover that there is a discrepancy in the transmissions. The evidence which supported Mogh's guilt was faked. They as well discover some other survivor of the Khitomer Massacre, a adult female named Kahlest, is institute to be still alive and residing in the Old Quarter of the Outset City. Riker informs Picard well-nigh this during the second Council session and asks Worf, who says that Kahlest was his nurse and that he idea she had died. Picard tells Worf he must find her and bring her before the Council. Worf recommends that he not go alone, equally it is as well dangerous. Picard tells him, "Hey, I'1000 your Cha'DIch."

Act Five

Picard, in a cloak, enters Kahlest's home

Picard journeys into the Old Quarter and finds Kahlest's home. Kahlest informs him that she considers her life to have ended after Khitomer and that she is waiting to die. Picard tries to persuade Kahlest to back-trail him dorsum to the High Council chamber, appealing to her sense of honor by telling her that the family that she once served proudly needs her once again. She refuses, and a disconcerted Picard leaves. Just outside Kahlest'southward door, he is ambushed past Duras' assassins. He manages to overcome ane and Kahlest, emerging from her home, throws a knife and kills the other. Impressed with Picard's bravery, Kahlest now agrees to back-trail him dorsum to the High Council for the purpose of testifying for Worf. She as well reveals that 1000'mpec was once romantically interested in her, just she wasn't attracted to him; he was besides fatty.

Simply as K'mpec is almost to pronounce judgment on Worf, Picard enters with Kahlest. Grand'mpec'due south eyes wink with recognition as he sees Kahlest and he calls a recess. In a individual session, Picard demands that she be immune to testify in open up council in accordance with Klingon law. Duras threatens to kill Kahlest right then and there so as to silence her. K'mpec, incensed, silences him by asking him if he would really kill an former woman to comprehend his dishonor. Picard instantly sees that the whole Quango proceeding is a farce: a frame-up to relieve Duras, not Worf, from disgrace. K'mpec tells Kahlest she is free to become, adding, "It is adept to see you once more", to which she contemptuously responds, "You are withal fatty, K'mpec."

Worf angrily demands an explanation for the Council judging Mogh guilty, despite the fact they knew he was innocent. Thousand'mpec privately explains the truth: When Klingons captured the Romulan transport with the records, they learned of the treachery behind the Khitomer Massacre; this soon became common cognition, and someone had to answer for that treachery. Fortunately, only the Quango knew who transmitted his lawmaking: not Mogh, but Ja'rod, Duras' father.

Beside himself, Worf violently points out that Duras should have been made to pay for the sins of Ja'rod, only Thousand'mpec reveals that the Duras family is too powerful and to expose him would probable split the Empire and plunge it into a civil war. In order to avoid that, they decided to use Mogh every bit a scapegoat, believing that Worf, since he was in Starfleet, would not challenge the judgment. None of them realized that Kurn was Mogh's second child. But now things take progressed too far, and both sons of Mogh must die.

Offended and outraged by the sheer hypocrisy of Chiliad'mpec and the Council, Picard demands to know what this says for an Empire which professes to value honor above all else. K'mpec adamantly says one family's honor must be sacrificed to preserve that Empire, not the other way around. Picard – now speaking in his official chapters every bit captain of the USS Enterprise and a representative of the Federation – insists that Worf's claiming has succeeded, and he refuses to mitt Worf or Kurn over for execution. When K'mpec threatens to finish the alliance, Picard retorts that their alliance is not based on lies. If they must protect their secrets, and so and then be it just Picard will not allow the needless cede of these ii men.

Worf'south discommendation

Worf then volunteers to dice for the sake of the Klingon Empire. Picard begins to object merely Worf tells his Cha'DIch to be silent. Worf asks for Kurn'southward life to exist spared. Duras rejects this, as Kurn's accolade would so demand revenge. Worf then offers to accept discommendation if Kurn is immune to live. Thousand'mpec instantly sees this equally a keen solution to their dilemma, but doing then would exist the aforementioned as admitting his father'due south guilt. Worf simply says "Then be it." Thou'mpec affirms his belief that Worf'southward heart is truly Klingon, and proclaims that this matter volition never exist spoken of again. Duras, satisfied that matters take been bundled to his and his family's benefit, starts to exit the sleeping accommodation, only Worf stops him and does what tradition demands: proverb to his face, "Y'all are the son of a traitor" and viciously backhanding him. Thousand'mpec nods in approval at this.

In a room backside the council chambers, Kurn tells Picard that he was ready to die for his blood brother and his family unit'south honor. Picard attempts to console Kurn with the reasons behind Worf's sacrifice; Worf is looking ahead, knowing Kurn must live in order to restore that honor: "There will be some other mean solar day, Commander. Do not forget what he does here today. Do not let your children forget." Picard and Kurn join Worf in the eye of the council chambers and the council members assemble in a circle around Worf. Worf says the ritual words, "tlhIH ghIj jIHyoj" ("I fear your judgment"); M'mpec replies, "biHnuch!" ("Coward!"), and one by i, the Council members cross their arms and plow their backs (turning to their correct) on him in ritual ostracism, all except Kurn, who stares at Worf pleadingly. Worf softly tells Kurn that he must practise it also. Kurn very reluctantly complies, but instead of turning to his correct, he turns to his left. The whole assembly having turned their backs, Worf and Picard leave the Council Bedroom and return to the Enterprise.

Log entries

  • Captain'southward log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), 2366

Memorable quotes

"One does not patronize a Klingon warrior."

- Riker

"Do you lot wish to SPEAK, Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher?"

- Kurn

"I imagine it must be very hard for you to work with a coiffure that is and then different. I would exist happy to guide you in that regard, if it would be helpful."
"No, Commander, it wouldn't."
"This is not a Klingon transport, sir."
"No, Commander, information technology is non. If information technology were a Klingon ship, I would've killed you lot for offering your suggestion."

- Riker and Kurn

"How long has this bird been dead? It appears to have been lying in the sun for quite some time."
"Well it's not dead, information technology's been replicated. And y'all do understand that we melt about of our foods…"
"Ah yeah, I was told to prepare for that. I shall effort some of your burned replicated bird meat."

- Kurn and La Forge

"I never kill anyone at the supper tabular array, Mr. La Forge."

- Kurn

"I am Klingon! If you lot doubt it, a demonstration can exist arranged."
"That is a response of a Klingon. The response I would wait from my older brother."

- Worf and Kurn

"Will you grant my leave, Captain?"
"No – if I understand correctly, a Starfleet officer, a respected member of my coiffure, could be charged with a capital crime. Your actions on this thing will reflect on this send, and on the Federation – therefore, it seems merely appropriate that your helm should exist at your side while you make your challenge… I'm sure you would exercise no less for me."

- Worf and Picard

"I am Worf, son of Mogh. I have come to claiming the lies that have been spoken of my male parent!"

- Worf, to the Klingon High Quango

"I should've known. Worf was right. Information technology is a bye to dice."
"The time has not yet come up. It does not take to come up for many turns. I know who you are, Kurn, son of Mogh."
"It was a wise choice to hide your family proper noun. Do not err now by embracing it over again, for you merely embrace death."
"Nosotros shall see."
"Worf has made a choice and he will die for it. But you can still exist safe. Allow him stand up lone."
"He is my brother! I will not betray him!!"
"Then you volition die for him!!"

- Kurn and Duras

"Are you adjusting to your new environs, Commander?"
"I discover the constraints a flake hard to conform to. Just a curt while ago, I had to cease myself from killing Commander Riker."

- Troi and Kurn

"For many turns, the truth about Khitomer has lain dormant. Unknown. Now the truth has been revealed. The traitor, Mogh, sent the defense access codes to the Romulan patrol ships, allowing them to destroy the outpost. Thousands died on Khitomer! My father died on Khitomer! Their deaths must be avenged. Your begetter was a traitor. By posing this challenge, you are a traitor! You will not wear the emblems of our people. You lot are a fool, and your claiming can merely result in a fool's decease."
"It is a skillful day to dice, Duras, and the twenty-four hours is not yet over."

- Duras and Worf

"This is not your world, Man. You practise not command hither."
"I'm non here to command."
"And so you must exist ready to fight. Something Starfleet does not teach you."
"You may exam that assumption at your convenience."

- Duras and Picard

"My appreciation, madam."

- Picard, to Kahlest afterward she kills a Klingon who was about to murder him


- Worf, pointing at Duras after learning the truth

"You lot are brave, cha'DIch. Worf chose well."

- Kahlest, after Picard fights off Duras' assassins

"K'mpec would remember Kahlest. I caught his eye back then. But he was too fat."

- Kahlest

"It is good to run into you again."
"You are all the same fat, Thousand'mpec."

- Chiliad'mpec and Kahlest

"You admit the truth, and yet you lot expect him to accept punishment? What does this say of an empire who holds honor so beloved?"
"The empire volition not be destroyed for one family's accolade."
"Unacceptable, Yard'mpec!"
"Yous have no say in this, cha'DIch!"
"I speak now as the captain of the USS Enterprise and Lieutenant Worf's commanding officeholder! You volition non execute a member of my crew, nor will I turn his brother over to you!"
"This is not the Federation, Picard. If yous defy an society of the High Council, the alliance with the Federation could fall to dust."
"The alliance with the Federation is not based on lies, K'mpec. Protect your secrets if you must, but you volition not sacrifice these men."

- Picard, K'mpec, and Duras

"The cha'DIch will be silent!"

- Worf, to Captain Picard

"You are the son of a traitor."

- Worf, to Duras

Background information

Production history

  • Final typhoon script: v Jan 1990 [i]
  • Premiere airdate: 19 March 1990
  • First U.k. airdate: 26 Feb 1992

Story and production

  • This story began life as two dissimilar scripts, one by Drew Deighan which featured Worf's male parent being accused of treason, and another script by Beth Forest, in which Worf'southward brother came aboard the Enterprise. Shortly after officially joining the writing staff, Ronald D. Moore was given the ii scripts by Michael Piller and asked to combine them into a single story. Due to Moore'southward comparative inexperience in writing for telly, the more experienced W. Reed Moran was asked by Piller to work with Moore, only for Moran to be removed from the writing process later completion of the first draft due to his ain lack of familiarity with the series, with Moore and Piller subsequently seeing the script through to completion. (TNG Season three Blu-ray, episode commentary)
  • Moore recalled, "I was in honey with 'Sins of the Father' and I fought for it when at that place was some question about which way nosotros were going to go with it. I actually similar the fact Worf took it on the chin that episode. It said he was willing to stand up up and practice the right thing for his people, even if they weren't going to do the correct matter by him. Patrick and I were at the Saturn Awards together, and he fabricated a really practiced proffer. When Worf is asking Picard to be his Cha'DIch, Picard originally says a single Klingon word, simply Patrick thought it would be overnice if Picard knew the whole line of ritual. At that fourth dimension there wasn't a formal ritual, and in that location wasn't one for Kurn either, so I went back and wrote a line for him to say in Klingon and I tied it into Picard." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, p. 193)
  • Director Les Landau recalled, "Here was an opportunity to explore the Klingon world in depth from beginning to finish. Meaning that Ron Moore came upwards with a wonderful story which Richard James, the art managing director, and Jim Mees, the set decorator, had to visualize in terms of ready design and set ornament. Additionally, to which Marvin Rush, the cameraman, had to conceptually find a visual representation of what the Klingon globe was all near. I think all three of those gentlemen achieved that job totally. In fact, Richard and Jim went on to win Emmy Awards for that episode, which I'm very proud of. Marvin's work speaks for itself. It was visually 1 of the most dynamic episodes ever washed. It looks like a feature film. There were long detailed conversations about how, conceptually, we should deal with them. Ultimately, Rick Berman gave the last approval for each and every i of the ideas and details, and we showed a earth that was heretofore never seen earlier, and which the audience craves to see more of. I was never one of the original Star Trek fans, nevertheless. My attitude was, is and always will be to never meet what has come before, but to go where none have earlier and visualize what is in my thinking and heed as to what the visuals should be, which is dictated past the storyline. We must always come back to the words and what the story is, because without information technology, nosotros have nothing to tell. After all, moving-picture show and episodic television is nothing if not telling a story." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, p. 194)
  • Every bit an in-joke, the captain of the USS Intrepid is named Drew Dieghan on a monitor screen, later on the writer who submitted the spec script upon which this episode was based. (Star Trek: The Side by side Generation Companion (2nd ed., p. 120))
  • The design of the Klingon Corking Hall (and other sets in the episode) won an Emmy Award for All-time Art Direction for Star Trek: The Next Generation production designer Richard James. The exterior of the Great Hall and the surrounding Offset Urban center was a matte painting created by Syd Dutton at Illusion Arts. (Star Trek Encyclopedia (1st ed., p. 118))
  • The Slap-up Hall in this episode was built off the quite large Tanuga 4 research station set that was congenital for TNG: "A Matter of Perspective", earlier in the third season.
  • Among the items which were sold off on the Information technology's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay was a Klingon assassin's pocketknife, seen in this episode. [2]


  • This episode marks the showtime delineation of the Klingon homeworld Qo'noS.
  • The episode refers to William Riker'due south service on the IKS Pagh and other events from "A Matter Of Award". It also sets upwards several future themes, such as the Business firm of Duras and the underpinnings to the Klingon Civil War.
  • Tony Todd makes his first appearance as Kurn in this episode. He reprises the role in "Redemption", "Redemption II" and the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 episode "Sons of Mogh".
  • The over-the-shoulder cloak with the medals that Thousand'mpec wore as Loftier Council leader was the aforementioned cloak General Korrd wore in Star Trek V: The Terminal Frontier . Both roles were played by Charles Cooper.
  • The captain'due south dining room is seen for the first time.
  • Kahlest tells Picard that Mogh "was loyal to the emperor." However, "Rightful Heir" volition later found that the Klingons oasis't had an emperor in 300 years. It tin can be causeless that Kahlest was abstractly referring to the Emperor Kahless and his guiding principles for all Klingons.
  • This is the only episode where Duras' male parent Ja'rod is actually named.
  • Picard refers to the Klingon state as the "Klingon Imperial Empire," a redundant designation which was never used again.
  • On the medical file for Kahlest, Dr. Crusher reads that she was treated at Starbase 24. However, the okudagram reads Starbase 23.
  • This is the first episode to admit Dr. Crusher'south heart initial, 'C'.
  • Michael Dorn accidentally flubs the Klingon discussion Ha'DIbaH (animal). He transposes two syllables and says "ha'bidah" instead. Patrick Massett makes the same error later on in "Reunion".


  • Amusement Weekly ranked this episode #7 in their list of "The Tiptop 10 Episodes" to gloat the 20th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation. [three]
  • This episode won an Emmy Honour for Outstanding Art Direction for a Series.
  • Michael Piller commented, "It was complicated, because we were combining characters and scripts, trying to put together a Worf story we liked. I recollect nosotros came out of it fairly well, with a good show." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, p. 193)
  • Moore remarked, "I thought Tony Todd did a wonderful task every bit Worf's blood brother. I was kind of worried, because there'southward always that hesitation when you're bringing in other family members no one else has even seen. Half the audience is prepare to throw things at the screen, and you're thinking, 'This better work.' I was in that location when he stepped on the stage and made it his own." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Expedition Voyages, p. 193)
  • Moore saw this episode equally a turning point towards more than continuing story arcs on The Adjacent Generation. He commented, "The biggest decision on this show was the ending…where Worf takes it on the mentum and decides to accept his dishonor even though he knows it'due south a prevarication but he does it for the greater celebrity of the Empire and he walks out the door and it ends with this sense of 'Oh my God. This has inverse Worf forever, and what'southward going to happen to him next?' And what that did to the franchise overall was it of a sudden said in that location's a standing story here…As soon as Worf walks out the door with his dishonor it demands a follow-upwards. And that's why we eventually came back to "Reunion" and "Redemption" and on and on and on. All the Worf stories spring from that moment, and also opened up the whole franchise to the idea that mayhap we tin can do standing stories. It was really a pivotal moment looking dorsum on how nosotros structured Next Generation." (Chronicles from the Final Frontier, TNG Season four DVD special features)
  • Michael Dorn observed, "In that location was a lot more involved in it than the writers realized. Things that have to do with Klingon loyalty and honor. They didn't give it its due. Yous look at Worf in a different lite, and I've played him in a dissimilar light since that episode. This is non something they have come up with. I'm doing this on my ain. Hey, it'due south their fault. They wrote it. And so now, I'1000 going to behave on with it." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Expedition Voyages, pp. 193–194)
  • The book Star Trek 101 (p. 72), by Terry J. Erdmann and Paula M. Cake, lists this episode as one of the "Ten Essential Episodes" from Star Trek: The Side by side Generation.
  • A mission report for this episode past Patrick Daniel O'Neill was published in The Official Star Expedition: The Next Generation Magazine issue 13, p. 48–51.

Remastered version

Sarah Paul with the missing 13 seconds on film

The episode was one of three selected for inclusion in the Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Next Level sampler disc intended as a preview of the remastering procedure for The Next Generation. Amongst the adaptations required to bring the episode up to high-definition quality included a restaging of the opening shot as a digital matte painting, and a new image of Qo'noS by Max Gabl (as the original was output straight to videotape using Video Toaster, and did not exist as a film element). [4]

1 complexity arose with this episode: thirteen seconds of the original film negative – the kickoff part of the scene in Human activity Iv where Crusher and Riker discuss the discovery of the additional survivor, Kahlest – could not exist located. Equally a effect, this sequence had to exist upgraded from the standard definition master tape. [5] On 11 April 2012 director Robert Meyer Burnett confirmed that the missing thirteen seconds were located and will be included in the TNG Season 3 Blu-ray, [six] and a preview of the fully-restored scene was included in the TNG Season 1 Blu-ray bonus features.

Video and DVD releases

  • Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video): Book 33, itemize number VHR 2560, 6 December 1991
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Dwelling Entertainment): Book 3.6, fourteen August 2000
  • Equally part of the TNG Flavour three DVD drove
  • As part of the Star Trek: Fan Commonage - Klingon collection
  • As part of the Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Next Level Blu-Ray collection
  • As part of the TNG Season 3 Blu-ray collection

Links and references


  • Patrick Stewart every bit Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Commander William Riker

Also starring

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge
  • Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf
  • Gates McFadden equally Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Information
  • Wil Wheaton equally Wesley Crusher

Invitee stars

  • Charles Cooper equally Yard'mpec
  • Tony Todd as Kurn
  • Patrick Massett as Duras
  • Thelma Lee as Kahlest


  • Teddy Davis as Transporter Tech

Uncredited co-stars

  • Rachen Assapiomonwait as Nelson
  • Majel Barrett as USS Enterprise-D computer vocalization
  • Michael Braveheart as Martinez
  • B.J. Davis as Klingon assassin
  • Chris Doyle as Klingon assassinator
  • Eben Ham as Klingon Council member
  • Kim equally operations segmentation officer
  • Marking Lentry every bit science division officer
  • Debbie Marsh as control partitioning ensign
  • James McElroy as command division officeholder
  • John Rice as science division officeholder
  • Joseph Michael Roth as Klingon High Council member
  • Guy Vardaman equally
    • Darien Wallace
    • Klingon High Council member
  • Mark Wilson every bit Klingon Loftier Council member
  • Natalie Forest as Bailey
  • Unknown performers equally
    • Command division officer
    • Command partition officer
    • Control division officer
    • Control segmentation officer
    • Female civilian
    • Female control sectionalisation officeholder
    • Female engineer
    • Female operations sectionalization ensign
    • Female operations partition officer
    • Female science division officeholder
    • Operations division officeholder
    • Security officer
    • Vii Klingon citizens
    • Ten Forward waiter
    • X Forwards waitress
    • X Klingon High Council members

Stunt doubles

  • John Nowak as stunt double for Patrick Stewart
  • Unknown stunt performer equally stunt double for Tony Todd

Stand up-ins

  • Jeffrey Deacon – stand up-in for Patrick Stewart
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand up-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Tim McCormack – stand-in for Brent Spiner
  • Lorine Mendell – stand up-in for Gates McFadden
  • Guy Vardaman – stand-in for Wil Wheaton


2345; 2346; 2366; 26th century; "a flake"; accusation; address; admiration; "later on all"; Historic period of Rising; aiding and abetting; "all right"; allegation; alliance; "an fe paw"; "and then some"; assassin; consignment; assumption; asteroid; asteroid field; "at all"; "at ease"; "at pale"; "at the time"; assault; authority; "dorsum upwardly"; bearing; betrayal; bird; birthright; blood; bloodline; brother; "past all means"; capital criminal offense; helm'south mess; case; Caspian Sea; caviar; cha'DIch; charge; main medical officer; choice; civil war; combat; commander; cometary cloud; comfort; commanding officer; computer; coordinates; council; council chamber; course; coward; "credit to"; crime; cantankerous reference; cruiser; culture; curiosity; death; deception; defense access lawmaking; delicacy; demonstration; destruction; discipline; discomfort; discommendation; dish; dishonor; distress call; dog; dust; World; egg; keepsake; enemy; environment; evidence; execution; experience; family unit; family unit name; fearfulness; Federation; file; First City; first officeholder; starting time officer's position; fish; flight path; food; fool; friend; generation; gesture; ghojmoK; "go alee"; Great Hall; guilt; middle; heritage; history; domicile; laurels; hr; business firm; House of Duras; House of Mogh; Human; "I do not know"; impulse power; "in that regard"; "in the middle of"; information; innocence; inspection; intention; Intrepid, USS; Ja'rod; judgment; "jumps down my throat"; "keep your place"; Khitomer; Khitomer commander; Khitomer Massacre; Khitomer Massacre victims; Khitomer Outpost; kilometer; Klingon; Klingon Bird-of-Prey (Kurn'southward transferring transport); Klingon Central information net; Klingon custom; Klingon Defense; Klingon emperor; Klingon food; Klingon High Control; Klingon High Council; Klingon Majestic Empire; Klingon law; Klingonese; knowledge; kut'luch; go out of absence; lie; Lorgh; madam; maintenance bicycle; meat; medical record; mek'ba; menu; Midsummer Night's Dream, A; mister; Mogh; Mogh's wife; proper noun; nurse; obedience; object; "of course"; Officer Exchange Program; Old Quarter; "on board"; "on the scene"; opportunity; order; outsider; Pagh, IKS; permission; personal security code; personnel; place; polite; problem; protocol; punishment; Qo'noS; quarters; question; range; recess; region; relative; relaxation; replicator; reputation; rescue vessel; respect; revenge; right; risk; Romulan; Romulan patrol ship; Rozhenko, Sergey; second; clandestine; sensor; sensor browse; sensor log; sensor range; service tape; shame; shield; shift; sir; "so exist it"; son; "stand up by"; Starbase 24; Starfleet; Starfleet regulations; station; status quo; breadbasket; style of command; subspace transmission; suggestion; lord's day; survivor; tactics; sense of taste; one thousand; threat; timebase; tolerance; tour; traitor; trap; treachery; handling; trust; truth; turkey; turn; value; "very well"; visit; "wait a 2d"; warrior; weapon; "well washed"; wisdom; wish; witness; word; wound; year

Other references

  • Starfleet Mission Archives Database: Dieghan, Drew; prey; noncombatant; communications traffic; distance; investigation; Khitomer system; light hr; orbital bombardment; percent; planetary defenses; rescue mission; science ops; sector containing Khitomer arrangement; spacecraft; standard orbit; Starfleet Command; tactical communications; warbird, Romulan
  • USS Intrepid Medical Mission Files: biomedical facility; chief medical officer; Klingon consulate; medical facility; Moran; patient; stable status; Starbase 23; Theta Amano Trade Centre

External links

  • "Sins of the Father" at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • "Sins of the Father" at Wikipedia
  • "Sins of the Father" at, the official Star Trek website
  • "Sins of the Male parent" at, a Roddenberry Star Trek podcast
